Coupon codes can be exchange for coupons for more discounts.
Coupon Code Exchange Process
Get Coupon Code
Get relevant coupon code through our partner platform
Exchange Code
Login to your account and enter your coupon code in the exchange box and click "Exchange Now" to exchange
Exchange Successfully
Congratulations on your successful exchange! You can view and change the order of use in My Coupons, please use it as soon as possible!
Automatic Deduction
After coupon code is successfully exchanged, coupon will be automatically used to deduct the corresponding discount amount, no other operation is required.
1. Participants: All users of our site can exchange through coupon code.
2. Method: Please enter your coupon code in the exchange box and click "Exchange Now", exchanged coupons can be viewed in My Coupons and change the order of use.
3. Please use the coupons before the expiration date, conpons are not supported to be transferred and will be invalidated after the expiration date, each user can only exchange the code once.
4. If resellers and its subordinate users use the coupons, resellers will not enjoy the corresponding commission rebate.
5. Coupons exchanged through codes cannot be used in combination.
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