API Services

With the API, you can engage in domain name registration and account management! Our API supports domain search, registration, renewal, dropcatch, and the use of your own software and servers, among other functions. You can easily configure domain name servers, select renewals, and create folders for your domains.

Break Into Auction

The user did not backorder the domain name, and obtained the permission of placing bid through break-into

Request URL
Request Method
Request Parameter
Field Parameter Type Required Description
APPID appid String Yes Application Client Id
Timestamp gntime String Yes The current UNIX timestamp
Signature gntoken String Yes Signature string. For details, please refer to the Signature Method page.
domain in auction ym String Yes domain in auction, e.g: gname.com
Request Demo
    "appid": "10xxxxxxxb86f7",
    "gntime": 1627971400,
    "ym": "tesl.com",
    "gntoken": "55165FC4A6A48FB7535E5D96837C61A7"
Response Data
Field Parameter Type Description
return code code Integer 1:return successfully -1:return failed
return description msg String return the description of request operation
return data data Object return the requested operation result data
Return Data
Field Parameter Description
minimum bid of domain qian
frozen deposit dqian
Response Demo
    "code": -1,
    "msg": "sorry, you have participated the domain auction",
    "data": ""

    "code": 1,
    "msg": "break into successfully",
    "data": {
        "qian": 19.8,
        "dqian": "3.96"

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