API Services

With the API, you can engage in domain name registration and account management! Our API supports domain search, registration, renewal, dropcatch, and the use of your own software and servers, among other functions. You can easily configure domain name servers, select renewals, and create folders for your domains.

Domain List

Obtain user's domain list

Domain Status
OK 0
Under registration 8
Locked 53
Protected 54
Frozen 57
Involving UDRP disputes 58
Under PUSH 77
pendingTransfer 88
Waiting to set up contacts 90
PUSH to your registrar 99
pendingVerification 9970
Expire soon 9992
Expired 9994
Grace period 9993
Process of redemption 9978
Pending fulfillment 9999
Stop domain resolution 9982
Other 999
Request URL
Request Parameter
Field Parameter Type Required Description
Domain name domain String No Domain name
Domain status status Integer No Domain status
Domain group group Integer No Domain group
Start register date reg_date_min String No Start register date
End register date reg_date_max String No End register date
Start expire date exp_date_min String No Start expire date
End expire date exp_date_max String No End expire date
number of pages page Integer No page
number per page limit Integer No number per page
Response Data
Field Parameter Type Description
return code code Integer 1:return successfully -1:return failed
return description msg String description of the return request operation
return data data Array return the requested operation result data
page page Integer current data page
data per page pagesize Integer data per page
totals count Integer totals
Return Data
Field Parameter Description
domain ID id 1202
user ID uid 1004
domain ym gname.net
registrar zcs gathernames
registration time zcsj 2020-08-02
expiration time dqsj 2021-08-02
status zt 0 normal
domain category id ymfz 0
status of updating domain contact gh 0
domain DNS ymdns ns1.gname-dns.com,ns2.gname-dns.com
DNS status dnszt 0 normal
domain resolution status jx_ting 0 normal domain resolution,1 suspend domain resolution
renewal status xfzt 0
added time tjsj 2020-08-02 11:00:17
last change time biansj 2020-08-05 21:15:08
coupon ID yhdid 0
description of domain status ztstr status description
description of domain category fzstr category name
domain remark bz remark
Response Demo
    "code": 1,
    "count": "2",
    "msg": "ok",
    "page": 1,
    "pagesize": 10,
    "data": [
            "id": "1202",
            "uid": "1004",
            "ym": "gname.net",
            "zcs": "gathernames",
            "zcsj": "2020-08-02",
            "dqsj": "2021-08-02",
            "zt": "0",
            "ymfz": "0",
            "gh": "0",
            "ymdns": "ns1.gname-dns.com,ns2.gname-dns.com",
            "dnszt": "1",
            "jx_ting": "0",
            "xfzt": "0",
            "biansj": "2020-08-05 21:15:08",
            "tjsj": "2020-08-02 11:00:17",
            "yhqid": "0",
            "ztstr": "normal",
            "fzstr": "ungrouped",
            "bz": ""