API Services

With the API, you can engage in domain name registration and account management! Our API supports domain search, registration, renewal, dropcatch, and the use of your own software and servers, among other functions. You can easily configure domain name servers, select renewals, and create folders for your domains.

Buy It Now List

Buy It Now Domain Name List

Parameter Description:

sortby Please refer to Appendix [Sortby Fields] for details
category Please refer to Appendix [Domain Category Fields] for details
style Please refer to Appendix [Domain Style Fields] for details


Request URL
Request Parameter
Field Parameter Type Required Description
Domain include inc_value String No Multiple [,] separations
Domain include start inc_start String No default=0,1=include | 0=not include
Domain include end inc_end String No default=0,1=include | 0=not include
Domain exclusion exc_value String No Domain Exclusion Content
Domain exclusion start exc_start Integer No default=0,1=exclude | 0=not exclude
Domain exclusion end exc_end Integer No default=0,1=exclude | 0=not exclude
Domain TLD tld String No
Domain category category String No
Domain special style style String No
Lowest price price_min Float No
Highest price price_max Float No
Minimum domain name length len_min Integer No
Maximum domain name length len_max Integer No
Minimum remaining days due exp_days_min Integer No
Maximum remaining days due exp_days_max Integer No
Minimum registration year reg_year_min Integer No
Maximum registration year reg_year_max Integer No
Minimum historical rating ha_min Integer No
Maximum historical rating ha_max Integer No
Minimum domain authority da_min Integer No
Maximum domain authority da_max Integer No
Minimum page authority pa_min Integer No
Maximum page authority pa_max Integer No
Result sorting sortby String No format:type_field,eg:asc_price,desc_price
Page page Integer No 1
Page size pagesize Integer No 50
Trade type trade_type String No gname=our site,partner= partner site
Response Data
Field Parameter Type Description
return code code Integer 1:return successfully -1:return failed
return description msg String return the description of request operation
return data data Object return the requested operation result data
Response Demo
	"code": 1,
	"msg": "OK",
	"data": [
		"id": "7157659", //  id
		"domain": "15xg.com", //
		"reg_date": "2016-02-03", //Domain registration date
		"exp_date": "2022-02-03", //domain expiration date
		"price": "10.00", 
		"deadline": "2079-01-01", 
		"length": "4", //domain length
		"website_age": 10, //website age
		"domain_age": 6, //domain age
		"da": 1, //domain authority
		"pa": 5, //domain authority
		"ha": 0, //historical rating

	"count": 167625, // total count
	"page": 1, //page
	"pagesize": 50, //page size
	"sortby": "asc_price" // result sort 
//error response
	"code": -1, // error code num
	"msg": "No permission" //error message