Obtain user's domain details
Field | Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
APPID | appid | String | Yes | Application Client Id |
Timestamp | gntime | String | Yes | The current UNIX timestamp |
Signature | gntoken | String | Yes | Signature string. For details, please refer to the Signature Method page. |
domain | ym | String | Yes | domain name to be queried |
{ "appid": "testappid", "gntime": 1618999650, "ym": "gname.com", "gntoken": "C8F67A0F7BB8971DE662190B33B94744" }
Field | Parameter | Type | Description |
return code | code | Integer | 1:return successfully -1:return failed |
return description | msg | String | description of the return request operation |
return data | data | Object | return the requested operation result data |
Field | Parameter | Description |
domain ID | id | 504 |
user ID | uid | 100000 |
domain | ym | gname.com |
registrar | zcs | InternetX |
registration time | zcsj | 2020-07-19 |
expiration time | dqsj | 2022-03-08 |
status | zt | 0OK, 8Under registration, 9Registration failed, 10Unpaid, 53Locked, 77Under PUSH, 88pendingTransfer |
domain category id | ymfz | 0 |
status of updating domain contact | gh | 0 |
domain DNS | ymdns | ns1.gname-dns.com,ns2.gname-dns.com |
DNS status | dnszt | 0Succeed, [1/3/111]Processing, 2Failed |
domain resolution status | jx_ting | 0 normal domain resolution,1 suspend domain resolution |
renewal status | xfzt | 1 |
domain template ID | ymmb | 47 |
description of domain status | ztstr | status description |
description of domain category | fzstr | category name |
domain remark | bz | remark |
description of DNS status | dnsztstr | effective |
description of template status | whoisztstr | effective |
domain category name | ymfzmc |
{ "code": 1, "msg": "OK", "data": { "id": "504", "uid": "100000", "ym": "gname.com", "zcs": "InternetX", "zcsj": "2020-07-19", "dqsj": "2022-03-08", "zt": "0", "gh": "0", "whoiszt": "1", "ymfz": "0", "ymdns": "ns1.gname-dns.com,ns2.gname-dns.com", "dnszt": "0", "jx_ting": "0", "xfzt": "1", "ymmb": "47", "ztstr": "normal", "dnsztstr": "effective", "whoisztstr": "effective", "ymfzmc": "", "bz": "" } }
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