When purchasing a Buy It Now domain name, you can use the interface to query the status of the Buy It Now domain name
Field | Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
APPID | appid | String | Yes | Application Client Id |
Timestamp | gntime | String | Yes | The current UNIX timestamp |
Signature | gntoken | String | Yes | Signature string. For details, please refer to the Signature Method page. |
domain | ym | String | Yes |
Field | Parameter | Type | Description |
return code | code | Integer | 1:return successfully -1:return failed |
return description | msg | String | return the description of request operation |
return data | data | Object | return the requested operation result data |
Field | Parameter | Description |
domain | data.ym | example.com |
price | data.qian | 1000.00 |
stutas | data.zt | 0=Can be purchased,1=Purchased or removed from list |
//success { "code": 1, "msg": "OK", "data": { "qian": "5983.02", "ym": "atkinsdesign.com", "zt": 0 } } // error { "code": -1, "msg": "Sorry, the domain name has been removed or has been purchased", "data": { "ym": "atkinsdesi1gn.com", "zt": 1 } }
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